Invocation for Healing


Getting ready to greet 2016 right! Leave what does not serve you here and step into a beautiful future ❤

“If you desire a bright tomorrow you must build a brighter dream.  Dare to let your dreams reach beyond you, know that history holds more than it seems, we are alive today because our ancestors dared to dream….

Let us dream for today and for tomorrow.

Let us dare to dream” ~Maya Angelou

Peace Mantra~~Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu–Tina Turner

I know I needed this but I know even more that the world needs this.  Healing for all the hurt that is being felt across the globe ❤
Thank you Ms. Turner ❤
Sarvesham Swasti Bhavatu,
Sarvesham Shantir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu,
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
May auspiciousness be unto all;
May peace be unto all;
May fullness be unto all;
May prosperity be unto all.

Brahma Kumaris Self-Mastery Affirmations–Take what you need <3

Oprah & Deepak Become What You Believe–free 21 day meditation

I have been doing the Oprah and Deepak Meditation challenges for a while now and I am very excited about this next one!!! It said to share with someone you love so here you go ❤

What do you believe…?

Are you ready to discover the key to who you are today, so you can open the door to who you want to be? When you learn to tap into the innate power of your beliefs, you become the author of your own life. You are what you believe. And belief is, perhaps, one of the most powerful forces in life.

Join Oprah and Deepak on an inspirational journey to connect to the very core of your being and direct the movement of your life. Embrace your positive beliefs and step into your highest potential, dissolve the unconscious beliefs that are holding you back, and connect to the might of our humanity through the power of shared belief.

Your transformation begins on Monday, November 2nd in Oprah and Deepak’s newest 21-Day Meditation Experience, Become What You Believe.

Embark on this life-changing new experience – it’s free. Register today, and share it with someone you love.